American Medical Association – AMA | Membership Requirement

This is an organization of American physicians, the objective of which is “to promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health.” The AMA disseminates health and scientific information to its members and to the public and carries out a broad range of health education programs via the mass media and lectures.

What to Know About American Medical Association

It keeps its members informed of significant medical and health legislation, and it represents its profession before the U.S. Congress and other governmental bodies and agencies, advocating its own views in the process. It helps set standards for medical schools and internship programs, and it tries to detect and alert the public to both quack medical remedies and medical charlatans.

In the AMA headquarters office are various departments concerned with a wide variety of medical topics, including geriatrics, maternal and child care, hospital facilities, medical education, nutrition, drugs, insurance plans, scientific exhibits, health in rural areas, mental health, the cost of medical care, the health of industrial workers, and medical publications. Much of the work of the AMA is carried out under the guidance of committees and scientific councils, which collect and analyze data concerning new medical discoveries and therapies. Such bodies include councils on medical education, medical service, legislation, and ethical and judicial affairs.

American Medical Association

Functions Of American Medical Association

To promote the science and art of medicine and the betterment of public health. AMA policy provides the conceptual foundation and organizational framework for the activities that the Association undertakes to achieve its Core Purpose.

The AMA advocates for health insurance coverage for all Americans, as well as pluralism, freedom of choice, freedom of practice and universal access for patients.

It also sets standards for medical ethics, practice, and education; and being an influential advocate for physicians and their patients.

The AMA has maintained the position that the problems of rising health-care costs are due to the costs of medical malpractice suits and has vigorously supported medical liability reform legislation.

Benefits Of Becoming A Member Of American Medical Association

Being an AMA member has its advantages

Joining the nation’s largest physician organization not only play a role in shaping the future of health care, but involves exclusive perks and savings to enhance your personal and professional life which are;

  • Home & lifestyle
  • Auto & transportation
  • Health & wellness
  • Travel & entertainment
  • Loans & financial services
  • Educational & student discounts
  • Practice discounts
  • Additional benefits

Categories Of American Medical Association Membership

Membership of American Medical Association are segmented into categories:

Physicians who possess the United States degree of doctor of medicine (MD) or doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO), or a recognized international equivalent.

Resident physicians who possess the United States degree of MD or DO, or a recognized international equivalent, and are serving in residencies or fellowships approved by the American College of Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) or the American Osteopathic Association (AOA).

Medical students enrolled in an educational program provided by a college of medicine or osteopathic medicine accredited by the Liaison Committee on

Medical Education (LCME) or American Osteopathic Association (AOA) leading to the MD or DO degree. This includes those students who are on an approved sabbatical, provided that the student will be in good standing upon returning from the sabbatical.

How To Become A Member Of American Medical Association

Applying for AMA membership: Membership is contingent upon the American Medical

Association’s (AMA) acceptance of the membership application. The endorsement, deposit or negotiation of an applicant’s check, or processing of a charge to applicant’s credit card, does not guarantee admission into or acceptance of membership by the AMA.

Checks received will routinely be deposited without a determination of the propriety of the payment or the applicability of the amount. Applicants who are not admitted to membership will receive a refund from the AMA for the amount submitted.

Application Fees

2024 AMA membership dues

Physicians in a membership dues category that will transition at the time of renewal to a higher dues category will see the dues rates below at the time of renewal. The AMA will provide prior written notice of any change in the annual membership dues rate.

American Medical Association Membership Cost

Medical student: $20

Resident/fellow: $45

First year in practice:  $60

Second year in practice: $105

Third year in practice:  $210

Fourth year in practice:  $315

Regular practice: $420