Cornell University Admission Application

Cornell University is a private research university that provides an exceptional education for undergraduates and graduate and professional students.

University Location

Address 300 Day Hall, Ithaca, 14853 New York, United States
Tel +1 (607) 255 2000
Fax +1 (607) 255 5396

Cornell University Admission Application 2024

Seeking admission into Cornell university is good dream for students and career men hoping to win big in life. Cornell span the State, nations and the world with lots of opportunities for learning and engagement.

Colleges and Schools in Cornell University

Cornell University has Nine (9) Undergraduate Colleges and Schools, eight (8) Graduate Colleges and Schools, and One (1) Continuing Education College, among other Contract Schools in the State of New York

Cornell University Admission Application

List of Colleges in Cornell University


  • College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • College of Architecture, Art and Planning
  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
  • Cornell Ann S. Bowers College of Computing and Information Science
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Human Ecology
  • School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR)
  • Cornell Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy


  • Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
  • Cornell Tech (New York City)
  • Cornell Law School
  • College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Graduate School
  • Weill Cornell Medicine (New York City)
  • Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar (Doha, Qatar)
  • Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences (New York City)


  • School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions

Cornell University Application Requirement

Before your application for admission into Cornell University can be processed after it is received, the following requirement must be completed. In order to ascertain your application is completed, kindly checklist the document below before you press the “send” application button

  1. The Common Application (CA)
  2. The School Report
  3. Counselor Recommendation
  4. Two Teacher Evaluations
  5. The Midyear Report, when your mid-year grades are available
  6. Official secondary/high school transcript
  7. $80 application fee or fee waiver
  8. Cornell University Questions and Writing Supplement (CA)
  9. Items that are required by the Cornell undergraduate college or school to which you’ve applied: Interviews or portfolio and design submissions.

Application Deadlines | Cornell University

First-year Student Admission Timeline

Submit all required application materials (application mailing instructions) Mayember 1
Financial aid application materials due for international students Mayember 1
Financial aid application materials due for U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens Mayember 21
Architecture and art portfolio and interview due Check Deadline
College of Human Ecology design supplements (for those applying to DEA and FD&M) Check Deadline
Admission decisions and financial aid awards announced Mid-December


Submit all required application materials (application mailing instructions) January 2
Financial aid application materials due for international students January 2
Financial aid application materials due for U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens February 15
Architecture and art portfolio and interview due Check Deadline
College of Human Ecology design supplements (for those applying to DEA and FD&M) Check Deadline
Admission decisions and financial aid awards announced Early April
Reply to offer of admission May 1

How to Check Application Status | Cornell University?

Once your application is complete and received by the University, you will receive an email from Cornell with a username and PIN to log in to the application status page.

Cornell University | Tuition & Fees

Your estimated cost of attendance is dependent on three factors as highlighted below;

  • The College or School you are enrolled in (Endowed vs. State Contract).
  • New York State Residency
  • Where you will be living while enrolled

The following breakdown is the estimated cost of attendance in the University.

Endowed Colleges and State Contract Colleges (Non-NY State Resident)

Direct Expenses Billed By Cornell: Living On-Campus Living In Ithaca Area Off-Campus Apartment Living With Family
Tuition $62,456 $62,456 $62,456
Student Activity Fee $310 $310 $310
Health Fee $434 $434 $434
Housing $10,426
Meals $6,662
Off Campus Housing/Meals $17,088 $5,412
Books and Supplies $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Transportation varies varies $2,774
Personal/Miscellaneous $2,008 $2,008 $2,008
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance $83,296 $83,296 $74,394

State Contract Colleges (NY State Resident)

Tuition $41,958 $41,958 $41,958
Student Activity Fee $310 $310 $310
Health Fee $434 $434 $434
Housing $10,426    
Meals $6,662    
Off Campus Housing/Meals $17,088 $5,412
Books and Supplies $1,000 $1,000 $1,000
Transportation varies varies $2,774
Personal/Miscellaneous $2,008 $2,008 $2,008
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance $62,798 $62,798 $53,896


Cornell University Acceptance Rate

The Cornell University acceptance rate is only 10.7% of over 50,000 applications for the class of 2024.

Full List of Programs & Colleges in Cornell University

It is no doubt that Cornell University is competitive in the Ivy League School. The programs offered in Cornell University is divided into Minor and Major Programs in the Seven (7) Colleges of Cornell University.

Undergraduate Majors
Africana Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Agricultural Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
American Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Animal Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Anthropology College of Arts and Sciences
Applied Economics and Management College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

SC Johnson College of Business

Archaeology College of Arts and Sciences
Architecture College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Asian Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Astronomy College of Arts and Sciences
Atmospheric Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Biological Engineering College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Engineering

Biological Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

Biology & Society College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

Biomedical Engineering College of Engineering
Biometry and Statistics College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Chemical Engineering College of Engineering
Chemistry College of Arts and Sciences
China and Asia-Pacific Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Civil Engineering College of Engineering
Classics (Classics, Classical Civ., Greek, Latin) College of Arts and Sciences
Cognitive Science College of Arts and Sciences
College Scholar College of Arts and Sciences
Communication College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Comparative Literature College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science College of Arts and Sciences

College of Engineering

Design and Environmental Analysis College of Human Ecology
Earth and Atmospheric Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

College of Engineering

Economics College of Arts and Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering College of Engineering
Engineering Physics College of Engineering
English College of Arts and Sciences
Entomology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Environment & Sustainability College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

Environmental Engineering College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Engineering

Feminist, Gender & Sexuality Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Fiber Science and Apparel Design College of Human Ecology
Fine Arts College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Food Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
French College of Arts and Sciences
German Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Global & Public Health Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Human Ecology

Global Development College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Government College of Arts and Sciences
History College of Arts and Sciences
History of Architecture (transfer students only) College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
History of Art College of Arts and Sciences
Hotel Administration Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Human Biology, Health and Society College of Human Ecology
Human Development College of Human Ecology
Independent Major—Arts and Sciences College of Arts and Sciences
Independent Major—Engineering College of Engineering
Industrial and Labor Relations School of Industrial and Labor Relations
Information Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Arts and Sciences

Information Science, Systems, and Technology College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Studies College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Italian College of Arts and Sciences
Landscape Architecture College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Linguistics College of Arts and Sciences
Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering
Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences
Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering
Music College of Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Nutritional Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

College of Human Ecology

Operations Research and Engineering College of Engineering
Performing and Media Arts College of Arts and Sciences
Philosophy College of Arts and Sciences
Physics College of Arts and Sciences
Plant Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Policy Analysis and Management College of Human Ecology
Psychology College of Arts and Sciences
Religious Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Science and Technology Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Sociology College of Arts and Sciences
Spanish College of Arts and Sciences
Statistical Science College of Arts and Sciences
Urban and Regional Studies College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Viticulture and Enology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences


Undergraduate Minors

Aerospace Engineering College of Engineering
Africana Studies College of Arts and Sciences
American Indian and Indigenous Studies College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
American Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Animal Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Anthropology College of Arts and Sciences
Applied Economics ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         SC Johnson College of Business

Applied Exercise Science ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         College of Human Ecology

Applied Mathematics College of Engineering
Arabic College of Arts and Sciences
Archaeology College of Arts and Sciences
Architecture College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Asian American Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Astrobiology College of Arts and Sciences
Astronomy College of Arts and Sciences
Biological Engineering ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         College of Engineering

Biomedical Engineering College of Engineering
Biomedical Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine
Biometry and Statistics College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Business SC Johnson College of Business
China and Asia-Pacific Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Civil Infrastructure College of Engineering
Classical Civilization College of Arts and Sciences
Classics College of Arts and Sciences
Climate Change College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Cognitive Science College of Arts and Sciences
Communication College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Community Food Systems College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Comparative Literature College of Arts and Sciences
Computer Science ·         College of Arts and Sciences

·         College of Engineering

Computing in the Arts College of Arts and Sciences
Creative Writing College of Arts and Sciences
Crime, Prisons, Education, and Justice College of Arts and Sciences
Crop Management College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Dance College of Arts and Sciences
Data Science in Astronomy College of Arts and Sciences
Demography College of Human Ecology
Design & Environmental Analysis College of Human Ecology
Digital Agriculture College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Data Science in Astronomy College of Arts and Sciences
Dyson Business Minor for Engineers SC Johnson College of Business
Dyson Business Minor for Life Sciences Majors ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         SC Johnson College of Business

Earth and Atmospheric Sciences ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         College of Arts and Sciences

·         College of Engineering

East Asian Studies College of Arts and Sciences
English College of Arts and Sciences
Education College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Electrical and Computer Engineering College of Engineering
Engineering Communications College of Engineering
Engineering Entrepreneurship College of Engineering
Engineering Management College of Engineering
Entrepreneurship and Innovation SC Johnson College of Business
Entomology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Environmental Engineering ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         College of Engineering

Environment & Sustainability ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         College of Arts and Sciences

European Studies Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
Fashion Studies College of Human Ecology
Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Fiber Science College of Human Ecology
Film College of Arts and Sciences
Fine Arts College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Food and Agricultural Business ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         SC Johnson College of Business

Food Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
French College of Arts and Sciences
Fungal Biology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Game Design College of Engineering
German Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Gerontology College of Human Ecology
Global Asia Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Global Health College of Human Ecology
Health Policy College of Human Ecology
Healthy Futures College of Human Ecology
History College of Arts and Sciences
History of Art College of Arts and Sciences
History of Capitalism College of Arts and Sciences
Horticulture College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Human Development College of Human Ecology
Inequality Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Infectious Disease Biology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Information Science ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         College of Arts and Sciences

·         College of Engineering

International Relations Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
International Development Studies College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
International Trade & Development ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         SC Johnson College of Business

Italian Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Jewish Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Landscape Studies College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Latin American Studies Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
Latina/o Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Law and Society College of Arts and Sciences
Leadership College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Linguistics College of Arts and Sciences
Marine Biology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Materials Science and Engineering College of Engineering
Mathematics College of Arts and Sciences
Mechanical Engineering College of Engineering
Media Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Medieval Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Migration Studies Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies
Minority, Indigenous, and Third World Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Moral Psychology ·         College of Arts and Sciences
Music College of Arts and Sciences
Near Eastern Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Nutrition & Health ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         College of Human Ecology

Operations Research & Management Science College of Engineering
Performing and Media Arts College of Arts and Sciences
Philosophy College of Arts and Sciences
Physics College of Arts and Sciences
Plant Breeding College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Plant Sciences College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Policy Analysis and Management College of Human Ecology
Portuguese and Brazilian Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Psychology College of Arts and Sciences
Public Policy College of Arts and Sciences
Public Service Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Real Estate Cornell Peter and Stephanie Nolan School of Hotel Administration
Religious Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Robotics College of Engineering
Russian College of Arts and Sciences
Sanskrit Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Science Communication and Public Engagement ·         College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

·         College of Arts and Sciences

Science & Technology Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Smart Cities College of Engineering
Soil Science College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
South Asian Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Southeast Asian Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Spanish College of Arts and Sciences
Sustainable Agricultural and Food Systems College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Sustainable Business and Economic Policy College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

SC Johnson College of Business

Sustainable Energy Systems College of Engineering
Theatre College of Arts and Sciences
Urban and Regional Studies College of Architecture, Art, and Planning
Viking Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Visual Studies College of Arts and Sciences
Viticulture and Enology College of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Members of Ivy League Schools | Cornell University

Cornell University is listed among the eight members of Ivy League University receiving financial endowment to provide abundant resources for their academic programs, financial aid, and research endeavors. Each university including Cornell University attracts millions of dollars in annual research funding from both the federal government and private sources.

The full list of Members of Ivy League University

Institution Location Undergraduates Postgraduates Endowment
Brown University Providence, Rhode Island 7,043 3,214 $4.7 billion
Columbia University New York City, New York 6,398 24,412 $14.35 billion
Cornell University Ithaca, New York 15,043 8,984 $7.23 billion
Dartmouth College Hanover, New Hampshire 4,459 2,149 $5.49 billion
Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 6,788 13,951 $38.30 billion
University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 10,019 12,413 $13.78 billion
Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 5,428 2,946 $25.92 billion
Yale University New Haven, Connecticut 6,092 7,517 $29.35 billion