If you are looking for Poland Education and you are international students, the application for poland Government Scholarships at Dlugosz University in Czestochowa is open. Interested applicants can visit the portal to start registration.
Let me walk you through the Poland Government Scholarship application process.
What is Poland Government Scholarships At Jan Dlugosz University In Czestochowa
The Polish Government Scholarship is granted by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education through the Bureau for Academic Recognition and International Exchange within bilateral agreements. The scholarship holder is exempt from any tuition fees. An annual number of scholarships is limited and specified by bilateral agreements. The scholarship is awarded for the whole period of the chosen cycle of study. It may also be granted for a period shorter than the academic year.
The studies are undertaken on a tuition-free basis; the scholarship is paid monthly during the whole period of the academic year the classes are held in, but for no longer than 10 months of the academic year. In justified circumstances, the payment can be made in a month where there are no classes held.
The scholarship can be suspended in the following situations: the scholarship holder retakes a given semester or the year of studies; the scholarship holder’s stay in Poland is not legalized; the scholarship holder stays abroad for more than a month.
The payment of the scholarship can be extended after the completion of the studies but for a period of no longer than 3 months.
Foreigners studying in compliance with the rules applicable to non-Polish citizens are not entitled to any forms of financial support funded by the Polish Government; i.e. maintenance grant, special support grant for disabled persons, aid payment, or Rector’s Scholarships for the best students.
Degree Level
Poland Government Scholarships at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa are available to undertake Postgraduate, Graduate level programs at Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa.
Available Programs:
The following subjects are available to study under this scholarship program.
- All Subjects
Poland Government Scholarship Benefits
International students can apply for the following forms of support financed by the Polish Government:
1 maintenance grant
2 special support grants for disabled persons
3 aid payment
4 Rector’s Scholarship for the best students
Residents of the EU, Swiss Confederation, or EFTA member states can apply only for the Rector’s Scholarship for the best students.
In accordance with the Directive of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of 12 October 2016, foreigners who undertake first, second, and long cycle studies in compliance with the rules applicable to non-Polish citizens are required to pay the tuition fee of 6600 PLN per year, with the payment made in two installments.
Eligibility by Nationalities
International students from any country are eligible
Eligibility by Criteria
Foreigners who undertake full-time studies in compliance with the rules applicable to Polish citizens are not required to pay any tuition fees. However, fees are charged for extramural studies, regulated in accordance with the Directive of the Rector of Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa.
Method of Application
To apply for the Government of Poland Scholarship, click here
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